When To Use 'escape_javascript' in an SJR Template
A server-generated JavaScript response (SJR for short) is a perfectly
valid way to handle simple AJAX operations within a Rails app, and there
in doing so. There is one common GOTCHA however that trips up even the most experienced
Rails developer: forgetting to use escape_javascript
when rendering
content to the DOM.
Does this sound familiar?
$("#posts-list").html("<%= render(@posts) %>");
Have you ever written a create.js.erb
SJR template like the one above
and found that when you tested it in your app nothing happened? If so,
then you have experienced this pain.
Even after a couple run-ins with this issue, perhaps you still aren’t
exactly sure which situations require escape_javascript
and which don’t.
And what the heck is the difference between escape_javascript
and j
Are these interchangeable?
What does escape_javascript
From the Rails documentation,
Escapes carriage returns and single and double quotes for JavaScript segments.
All we are doing is taking a string of text and making sure that it doesn’t contain any invalid characters when the browser tries to parse it. Simple!
For a more in-depth discussion, read here.
To escape or not to escape
Now that you know what escape_javascript
does, the next question is
when to use it.
Here’s a short answer: always :)
More specifically, any time you are trying to render HTML as a string and insert it into the DOM you’ll want to escape it first.
Some common examples include
// rendering a collection of records as a partial
$("#comments").html("<%= escape_javascript render(@comments) %>");
// rendering a single record as a partial
$("#comments").append("<%= escape_javascript render(@comment) %>");
// rendering a single bit of text from a record's attribute
$("#post-title").html("<%= escape_javascript @post.title) %>");
Not every situation requires escape_javascript
, e.g.
// Not required here
if (<%= @record.valid? %>) {
// ...
however you’ll find yourself getting into trouble more often by forgetting to escape as opposed to escaping unnecessarily.
What’s the deal with j
You may have seen j
being used in some code samples.
The j
method is nothing more than an alias for escape_javascript
. It’s a shortcut to save space and make the code more readable.
// This...
$("#comments").html("<%= j render(@comments) %>");
// is equivalent to...
$("#comments").html("<%= escape_javascript render(@comments) %>");
Now you know
SJR templates are a great tool to have in your Rails arsenal, and by
learning how and when to use escape_javascript
(or j
) within those
templates, you will save yourself hours of headaches debugging an
unresponsive template.